The Experts” Group Presentations

Each group will have approximately ten minutes to present.  Feel free to have members of your group act select sections of the reading for the class.  Each group should succinctly cover the following ...

1.a very brief summary of the reading, emphasizing important aspects of the plot.

  1. 2.a discussion of character development, focusing on specific lines from the play.

  2. 3.a discussion of the post-it prompts -- elicit responses from the class and share your own findings.

  3. 4.the use of literary / rhetorical devices in the reading. Consider how certain aspects of the plot, characters, etc. are emphasized by these devices.

  4. 5.if necessary, a clarification of obscure vocabulary and / or allusions in the reading.

I will be collecting notes from each group at the close of the presentations.  Your presentations will be assessed using this rubric:

Did your group …

1.succinctly and thoughtfully cover each of the assigned categories?

2.make eye contact with the class rather then read verbatim from notes?

3.speak in an engaging fashion?

4.seem lively and engaged?

5.submit original notes?